Dr. Ray McQueen

Dr. Ray A. McQueen and his wife Sharon are the founders and pastors of Family Life Church in Lynchburg. His unique delivery of the Word of God through humor and boldness captures the minds of his audiences. He has a powerful testimony of truly living by faith.

Founded in 1997, he obeyed the voice of God to start the ministry after serving in the United States Air Force for 10 years. Pastor Ray, through God, has produced a ministry that ministers to the whole man, body, soul, and spirit.  He believes that Christians should live in the abundant life that was provided for by Jesus Christ.

His success in the ministry is attributed to his taking a stand on the scripture Genesis 12:3 and being an example to his congregation. Ray McQueen is a pastor, an author, teacher, and mentor to many. His ministry emphasis is on becoming devoted Christ followers.

Ray McQueen is the father to two children, as well as a spiritual father to hundreds at his ministry. 



Pastor Sharon McQueen

Sharon McQueen is the Co-Founder and Senior Pastor of Family Life Church in Lynchburg, Virginia. With over 25 years of extensive experience, she has worked closely with her husband, Dr. Ray McQueen, as overseer. The couple has enjoyed a successful marriage lasting more than 35 years, which began when they were both in the military. Sharon takes great pride in being a mother to two adult children and a grandmother to her beloved granddaughter. Furthermore, she serves as a spiritual mentor to many individuals in her local church, including senior pastors and church leaders, whom God has placed in her care, guiding them in discovering their divine callings and assignments in their lives and ministries.

Pastor Sharon has obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Christian Leadership and Church Administration and a Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership. As an inspiring author and a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team member, she demonstrates a profound passion for nurturing and empowering leaders. Her objective is to assist individuals in recognizing their unique, God-given talents and abilities, thereby enabling them to make a positive impact within their local churches, communities, and the world.

For more than 25 years, Pastor Sharon has dedicated herself to sharing the Word of God to uplift women—body, soul, and spirit. Utilizing her divine gifts, she motivates hundreds of women in Central Virginia and throughout the United States. She is the founder and host of Woman-to-Woman Ministries, an initiative that showcases God's love by fostering fellowship among women, empowering them to acknowledge their value, and providing mentorship opportunities through service.